Age: 14
Steam Name(Current): Enchantaclaus
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 203 hours and 31 minutes.
Where did you hear about this server?: NTG
Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes. I have been banned for 1 day for disrespect and for 2 hours for a reason I can't remember.
Why do you want to join?: I've been with the server for a long time and I enjoy playing with everyone on FRG.
Referred by: No one in particular.
Additional Details: I know I can be annoying at times but I do not take pride in that. I can understand if that's my downfall.
Steam Name(Current): Enchantaclaus
Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 203 hours and 31 minutes.
Where did you hear about this server?: NTG
Have you ever been banned and why?: Yes. I have been banned for 1 day for disrespect and for 2 hours for a reason I can't remember.
Why do you want to join?: I've been with the server for a long time and I enjoy playing with everyone on FRG.
Referred by: No one in particular.
Additional Details: I know I can be annoying at times but I do not take pride in that. I can understand if that's my downfall.