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Unban request

Steam Name (Current): lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz

Steam Name (During incident): lvl 10000 mistake o gawdz

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86151492

Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/15535466776778737/

Name of staff you were banned by: McNuggie

Length of the ban: permanently

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed if available

Reason for ban: harassment propkill rdm spam and just in general being a minge.

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?: yes

Additional details: I really think I deserve another shot I know what I did was wrong and annoying but I just wanna play my favorite server again. Also I'm sincerely sorry to anybody I annoyed or killed or harassed I just wanted to say sorry to Jake1o Mine-a-clause heiseburger and anybody I did anything to also merry x-mas. 

... Close enough.

You should go into more detail as to what "problem causer in general" means.

- That Thrakos Noob

-1. You only said you were banned for cancer, but didn't tell us what you did.

EDIT: Now you said what you did, but you didn't apologize or say that you changed or anything. You put zero effort into this application.

How dumb are you? Why do you put your answers before the colon?

To be honest, I remember people telling me you're annoying and they wish you were banned.

Just gonna put that out here.

He deserves respect I think he should be unbanned he did be a dumb person only one day/ the day he was banned btw you were mean to me cause I never sold you my guns but I'm with you getting unbanned +1
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

(12-16-2015, 09:26 PM)Mine-a-Claus Wrote:  He deserves respect   I think he should be unbanned he did be a dumb person only one day/ the day he was banned btw you were mean to me cause I never sold you my guns but I'm with you getting unbanned +1

I barely understood what you said.

Meh, I didn't really know you. Judging from your app though, you don't seem like you really want to be unbanned. You probably put three minutes of effort into this. -1

-1 sorry. come back when you're more mature.

-1... Spamming the chat asking us to look at it doesn't make us +1 and doesn't show much change

Just got denied and yet again app seems pretty effortless.

we have been talking in steam and he seems to have matured a bit, at least give him a try Big Grin

i need to stop doing this

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