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Trade banned exploit

I went to the lobby and heard radioactivetwinkelz talking about trade even though he is trade banned. So i said ill trade him a glock for his offer and he explained how he could still trade: We duel each other and let the others win with trade offers up, thus people who are banned from trading can still trade using this method of abusing the dueling system

Pretty sure this is not something radio should be doing right after being unbanned.

Brass already knows about it as it is. Or, at least, I assume he was told when it was found before.

He was told, yeah, a while back when dueling first was beta-released.

- That Thrakos Noob

I left this in intentionally for a bit, just to see how scummy those who are trade banned would be. R.I.P those who exploited it, because there are logs of everything. Anyone trade banned that exploited this will be perma-banned. Smile.

RIP Radio. That didn't take long at all for you to show your scummy behavior.

Appears there's a little more to this.

*Suspense after Brass's last post*

Should be fixed now.

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