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knaveHearted Membership Application (2)


Steam Name(Current): knaveHearted

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 87.51 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: I heard about it back when I played NTG. Then when it came out I tried it for a while, liked it better, and decided to stay. Doctor Rat got me back into TTT recently and I've been playing a ton since.

Have you ever been banned and why?: Never.

Why do you want to join?: I like this servers community, a lot. I'm active on the forums, and have made friends with a lot of staff and members. I feel like I'd be a good fit for member because I'm active on both the server, and forums. And I've been an upstanding citizen on the server, only thing I've done "wrong" is argue with Doctor Rat about certain rules. Besides that, I'm a good boy Big Grin

+1 is realy cool guy. No problems

I tried doing the event with you. It was a lot of fun, even though we couldn't beat it. You would make a great member. +1

+1 great guy and fun to play with. Upholds what this server is about without being a member so lets give him the ability to do that with us backing him.

People don't respond to applications enough. I'm not a huge fan of people asking me to check out their applications, but it can be necessary sometimes. Knave is a pretty alright guy, laid back and enjoys playing for fun. My vote is a +1.

+1, good guy, good player, good friend, etc.

- That Thrakos Noob

Good Player, never causes drama. +1
Umpty Dumpty

+1. I've known knave for more than a year and I know he would make a great Member.
He's active, funny, and doesnt cause trouble amongst other players

Hes an active an friendly player +1

good player and fun to play with ( keeps his brother under control ;} ) +1

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