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perma banned for reason cancer and bitch...unban me please?

Steam Name (Current):THE MARINE

Steam Name (During incident): THE MARINE

Steam ID: steam_o:1:91102849

Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198142471427/

Name of staff you were banned by: doesnt say

Length of the ban: permenently

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?: repealed please, i didnt do anything

Reason for ban: cancer, bitch

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:no becuase i was banned for no reason

Additional details:i was playing the right way last night and was banned for cancer bitch so idk someone has a issue with me

You were not banned for the reason "cancer, bitch" you were just banned for the reason "cancer", as in you are a toxic part of the community, and you need to go.

You were banned for countless amounts of RDM and disrespect in the short amount of time you have been here.

Jake banned you for being cancerous to the server (aka nobody liked you, you were causing issues.) Nowhere did it say "bitch". Please, stop.
It's not immediately getting appealed either, it probably won't ever since you insist on exaggerating things all the time.

Take your ban, if anything, gracefully.

- That Thrakos Noob

-1. We don't need you here.

thats funny, a server that hates a person becuase ur all preps, how about you dont take the game so seroisly

lol lets insult the server I am appealing to be unbanned from.... Denied.

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