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Applying for membership

Is there any way this app could get deleted? I dont think theres going to be any news on it, and I have a few new updates to make but I don't know if this will ever be seen again. So if there's a way I could delete this post or if someone else can I would greatly appreciate it ?

What do you mean? Do you not want to be a member anymore?

It takes time for these things to be processed. The decisions aren't made very quickly, in most cases.

oh okay, no i really wanna be a member, i thought my post had been forgotten, and since ive played a lot more and made new friends i thought maybe a new application would be better

Nope. We're all good. Just let the natural system run its course!

okay thank you

dont worry about it man you have a bit of responses already, theres not really any reason to deny you

I personally think that he is one of the more mature people on FRG, though quiet, I am in no way against you getting member. +1

oops did i not +1 this already
+1 for all reasons other +1ers +1'd for

- That Thrakos Noob

I like you +1

He's fun to play with and active havent seen him do amy harm would +1 anytime alltough he's suspiciously lucky on the slots

A little mic spammy but overall he's good+1
Minehuis: Pancakes
Rangerdanger0: Waffles
Rangerdanger0: lol rekt

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