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anangrybeaver's Member Application

Age: 18

Steam Name(Current): anangrybeaver

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 50 Hours (and counting)

Where did you hear about this server?: I've been in the private beta, and I know lots of people on here from NTG.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: I have been friends with large amounts of the staff and people involved with this community, and enjoy playing with everyone (Except
) thats on the server.

Referred by: Flyingspaghettimonster, Jake1o

+1. good player, doesnt cause issues, pretty glowy colors on the leaderboard.

- That Thrakos Noob

He should be +Member already. +1.

well yes. +1

+1 Great player,deserves member to represent the server

angry should receive +member or mod tbh instead of member, he is one of the more mature people on frg and is a great staff member and a great person. no one has had any issues with him and he can definitely make it to the top of the ranks


+1, Angry is awesome to play with no matter what and he made me a Baderator rank.

+1 i have seen you on the server many times and would like to see you a member soon.(it still pains me that i dont have member ;-Wink

+1 I've known angry for a long time and he is a nice respectable person who knows the rules and is fun to play with.

give him admin alredy +1

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