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Game Stories

I was playing the Fallout: Tale of Two Wastelands Mod and was finally doing the story for Fallout 3, and made it to the citadel after the events of Project: Purity, but encountered a glitch where the NPC's weren't loading the next part of the quest, so I had to keep killing the doctor and dragging her closer to the ladder until she finally decided that she didn't want to be a part of the world anymore and started to ping around the place, and then out of existence. Sad part is that it had her name where she had been standing, and she was right by the ladder she needed to climb. I ended up deleting the save and starting over, being unable to leave the sewers without cheating.

My friends and I were playing civ (4 of us), when friend A gets mad cause he's doing shit and randomly declares war on friend B. Friend A responds when he's losing the war with "picking on the little guy, huh {insert name}?" Friend B takes friend A's capital and takes him out of the game altogether so its just me Friend B and Friend C. With the extra science friend B gets (he's Korea) he almost has a science victory, so friend C and I message each other and ask friend B to give us a few extra turns before he wins. Then, we nuke him and his spaceship parts are destroyed, and after I take his capital he raqequits the game, and 8 months later we still haven't finished the game.

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