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Pigeon Lord's Membership Application

Age: 16

Steam Name(Current): Pigeon Lord

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 66 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Was told to join it by NotChosen because it was a new community, so I joined it.

Have you ever been banned and why?: No, but I have contributed to banning a party of RDMers when no staff was on, I recorded and reported it.

Why do you want to join?: I tried once, so I shall try again, and want to help out in any ways I can. I was told that I was able to repost anytime by Jake, so I took some time getting more hours and familiarizing some more of the community to me, so that people knew that I wasn't just a player, more of a watch gaurd and a friend, someone trustworthy.

Referred by: NotChosen

Kills me everytime i'm a traitor. Never talks to me. Always reks me. +1 Pretty kool dude

More feedback?

Yeah! He's pretty fun to play with, active and keeps the peace around. Sorry, not much else to add, but I think you're cool. +1

+1, I enjoy playing with you and you don't cause any issues.

I don't know why he's not getting much responses. Pigeon is a really cool guy, he's active and he genuinely cares about the community. Only times I've had issues with him were small things like reminding him to tell people to id bodies, etc, but he puts effort into making sure he does things right, and that's what a good member does.


I thank the people who posted here and have been happy to see the positive feedback... but there needs to be more. I hope anyone will post any feedback they have, whether good or bad, so long as it's feedback.

Pigeon I've played with you a few times. but not enough to give an opinion for you. but the times i've played with you, was great. your respectful so ill leave my opinion as +.5
(add me so i can see if your on more so i can change opinion here)
Positive (+1): Ill Baja Blast you in bed Kappa. +1.

notchosen's clone just doesn't abuse as much he doesn't break rules and is fun to play with +1


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