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it_ember - Membership Application

Age: 14

Steam Name: it_ember

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 148.76 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Hear about it from NTG,

Have you ever been banned and why?: I've been Trade Banned for 2 weeks for sharking, and was once banned for 1 minute for changing my name In game

Why do you want to join?: I've been told by many people (Terran) that I should have posted this long ago, but I was honestly not sure about it yet. I'm now sure that this is a community I wish to be a part of, I've gotten to feel like this is one big family, and I've gotten to know each and every one of you. (Some more than others). Up until now, I didn't feel I was good enough to be a part of the comminity, but after countless times of support and fun from you guys, I felt enough courage to post here.

Referred by: Terran, ScottSummers

Additional Details: I do want to put out there I do have anger issues, and I do have those few times I rage out, but since I started playing here, I feel I've gotten better at handling it.
Umpty Dumpty

Yeah! I really like playing with him, and he's played really chill. I understand he may have been banned for sharking like that, but he's changed a LOT and even that situation was dubious. +1!

He has definitely shaped up after his sharking/lying and is deserving of a +1. I give this app a HUGE +1 though because he is a lot of fun to play with and very respectful. He also knows the rules.

Plays too much; needs life. +1

Ember is pretty fun to play with. He supports other players whenever it's allowed, and doesn't make a big fuss after an accident. He tries to haggle a bit too much, and doesn't seem to notice when other people are upset, but he's an overall good person. +1

Thanks guys, this means a lot Big Grin
Umpty Dumpty

+1 Ember is the jokester around FRG "Pay To Win"

Lol, why did nobody tell me I was missing 2 of the parts of the Format LOL
Umpty Dumpty

+1 fun to play with, follows the rules.

More feedback?

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