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Rotshout - Membership Application


Steam Name:

Time played on servers:
64.5 hours

Time spent on forums:
33 hours

Where did you hear about this server?:
I played on NTG for a while, then while talking to Terran he told me about FRG,
where all the cool kids went.

Have you ever been banned and why?:
Nope, because I'm such a good person.

Why do you want to join?:
All the cool kids went here, and I like that the weapons aren't insanely overpowered like on NTG.
I've invited a few friends on (Jasquizzle and SP1D3RP1G), and it's fun to hang out with the other players too.
I spend a lot of time on the forums since I can't play at home,
and I'd eventually like to be a forum moderator so I can close threads before flame wars start.

Referred by:

Additional Details:
I'd like to think I'm a pretty cool dude. I'm friendly to most people who aren't complete idiots,
and even if I have a problem with someone, I'm quick to forget about it.
I have my brief moments of illogicality that sometimes causes problems, but they don't happen as much as other people.
I can't get on the server at my house due to shitty internet, but I average around six hours a weekend while I'm elsewhere.
During the summer I'll be on more often because I hang out at my granma's house and use her internet.
I'm a little concerned with combative personalities because arguments between people cause problems for everyone else.
Also, I like spaghetti.

You're alright. The taste you have in people you defend may be dubious, but you're reasonable and an open thinker. I wouldn't say we'll be friends again but that's personal, not server related. You don't really RDM or anything save for occasionally, but who doesn't? Eh, meh, he's alright. My opinion.

+1 Rotshouts not annoying, doesnt constantly start shiz or back seat staff, follows rules as well as he can, gl buddy!

+1 is a cool dude but wish he was on more often.

Even tho i dont play
I like this kid

Oh Hey...it's me C:


From what I've seen he doesn't cause much, if any, drama and is pretty chill. Maybe not active enough for some but is pretty good guy. +1
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

As much as I'm on, I really never noticed that you were on or not, but in the times when I did see you on, you were a nice enough guy. I honestly can't give a +1 yet, considering I haven't really played much with you, but from what the other guys are saying you seem cool, so I'll sit on my fence up here and watch the show, hoping the good guys win Smile
Umpty Dumpty

From what Ive seen of him hes fun to hang out with and doesnt RDM or break rules so +1 to him

He's pretty fun in-game. I've never seen him cause problems, he's pretty chill. +1

Feel free to re-apply


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