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Zax Unban Appeal

Look, I don't want to be an asshole here and don't take this for the be-all and end-all.

1. You were already unbanned from a toxicity perma, which a lot of folks were in favor of unbanning. https://forerunnergaming.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=5538

2. You didn't even last two weeks before being rebanned for the same reasons as the last perma ban.

3. Not two days later after that ban you made an alt account to ban evade. I even remember seeing that alt account very shortly after your ban.

4. Unpoke did say
Unpoke Wrote:You ban-evaded using an alt during the course of a perma-ban.
That alone warrants a perma-ban with no chance of appeal.


It sure doesn't look good in my opinion, having three perma bans is a lot already. I'm going to say -1, I'm going to agree with past Unpoke. If you didn't do that than perhaps you could have another second chance.

Messages In This Thread
Zax Unban Appeal - Zax - 08-08-2019, 01:51 AM
RE: Zax Unban Appeal - Beebee1303 - 08-08-2019, 02:22 AM
RE: Zax Unban Appeal - Zax - 08-08-2019, 02:30 AM
RE: Zax Unban Appeal - Eclipse - 08-08-2019, 12:38 PM
RE: Zax Unban Appeal - Zax - 08-09-2019, 10:30 PM
RE: Zax Unban Appeal - Eclipse - 08-10-2019, 03:05 AM

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