Everything he did is plausible. With the exception of that flick.
Lee's POV is unreliable inherently because of the inaccuracy of spectator systems.
But your POV is not a simulation, it's the real screen recording. That flick just doesn't make sense to me.
You completely over-flicked, like by a lot. And yet somehow you hit that shot. Normally your camera would land somewhere in the same zip code as where you fired. It feels like you swung and hoped the trigger would catch his head.
The obvious issue with claims of trigger bot is that there are times in the provided clip where you hover people's heads. I don't know the world of GMOD cheats, so it's hard to determine if this is possible. It's not unheard of for cheats to have quick-toggle buttons, and that would be a very useful feature in gmod particularly since most game modes are not just open deathmatches. When you are actively in combat, you hover people's torsos until your crosshair meets their head hitbox, then you suddenly fire. The Codi kill is what I'm talking about here.
The missed shot on Tango may seem like it reinforces the plausibility of your innocence, but I would disagree. As you never hovered his head it just seems like instinctual fire. That's one thing that's hard about trigger bot, you forget that it'll fire for you, and as a result, you take an AWP shot that wasn't quite on someone, or you manually click during a flick. Your immediate follow-up shot accurately snagging his skull as he falls onto your crosshair is far from reassuring.
Lee's POV is unreliable inherently because of the inaccuracy of spectator systems.
But your POV is not a simulation, it's the real screen recording. That flick just doesn't make sense to me.
You completely over-flicked, like by a lot. And yet somehow you hit that shot. Normally your camera would land somewhere in the same zip code as where you fired. It feels like you swung and hoped the trigger would catch his head.
The obvious issue with claims of trigger bot is that there are times in the provided clip where you hover people's heads. I don't know the world of GMOD cheats, so it's hard to determine if this is possible. It's not unheard of for cheats to have quick-toggle buttons, and that would be a very useful feature in gmod particularly since most game modes are not just open deathmatches. When you are actively in combat, you hover people's torsos until your crosshair meets their head hitbox, then you suddenly fire. The Codi kill is what I'm talking about here.
The missed shot on Tango may seem like it reinforces the plausibility of your innocence, but I would disagree. As you never hovered his head it just seems like instinctual fire. That's one thing that's hard about trigger bot, you forget that it'll fire for you, and as a result, you take an AWP shot that wasn't quite on someone, or you manually click during a flick. Your immediate follow-up shot accurately snagging his skull as he falls onto your crosshair is far from reassuring.