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Poll: Thoughts on grims
Its boring and there are better uses of time
I enjoy it but finding a competent party is hard
Its a cool event but there are better uses of brass' time
I'd love to see it revamped eventually even if that just means for solo
I'd love to see it revamped eventually for parties as well
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Solo Grims (with mechanic ideas)

Brass stated many times in the past that the coding behind the event makes him not even want to touch it. I think Grims would need an entire remake, which would bring the event up to date with more recent events. Brass can use what he learned throughout the years of events he has made, and maybe some of your ideas if it were to stay similar to... what would then be the "legacy" version of grims.

I like the ideas of randomness to events, even if its pseudo. Not only for skull pickups or zones that gives you buffs, but randomness towards the event itself.

As I forgot to mention about making it solo. Possibly? Again that would be thought of if it was reworked

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RE: Solo Grims (with mechanic ideas) - The Black Parade - 03-12-2021, 01:43 AM

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