07-22-2020, 05:58 AM
There are many different loadouts people use for different purposes and playstyles. With boss rush becoming more relevant and the possibility of different new playstyles with the perk/skill tree, it's difficult for people to swap their entire loadout on the fly. Yes, there's a brief 10-15 seconds before a round but it's quite a hassle to change. A possible solution is having a special menu for loadouts somewhere that can be renamed, customized and what not. Maybe have a keybind for it as f3 or f4 in boss rush (not sure if f3 is the keybind for coinshop i can't recall right now) or just having it pop a list of your loadouts when you hover over the "Loadout" hud in your inventory. A simple QoL to help players so we don't need to fumble around our backpacks to find the specific gun we need for a specific boss or event. Saves time and space. At this point I'm rambling and repeating myself....