Could make a final node to transform into something movement based like a cheetah for speed or a bird for small flight time, every x amount of time alive you gain 1% damage and speed.
Could also implement a socket into the tree and give every boss a different drop. This would give some reason to farm bosses outside uniques.
Because BR is separate from ttt and pve you could do a node as: x chance to ignore your next 3 reloads.
Permanent aoe buff so you could help others. Pretty much banner/caliburn in 1 but because you took this node maybe you deal less damage.
Theres also positive/negative nodes such as more damage done but more damage taken or more move speed but less reload speed.
Could even have massive melee damage nodes for the really ballsy people.
Could also implement a socket into the tree and give every boss a different drop. This would give some reason to farm bosses outside uniques.
Because BR is separate from ttt and pve you could do a node as: x chance to ignore your next 3 reloads.
Permanent aoe buff so you could help others. Pretty much banner/caliburn in 1 but because you took this node maybe you deal less damage.
Theres also positive/negative nodes such as more damage done but more damage taken or more move speed but less reload speed.
Could even have massive melee damage nodes for the really ballsy people.