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List the Ocarina songs and their effects when holding it

It's literally pinned in the discord. You can copy paste it on your own software, but I'll grab it for you.
Times are inaccurate since nerf

Ocarina Songs:
15% Damage Reduction for 45 seconds
Space -> W -> A

35% Jump Height for 45 seconds
D -> A -> W

35% Stability for 45 seconds
W -> Space -> A

25% Headshot Damage for 45 seconds
W -> A -> S -> D -> W -> A

35% Reload Speed for 50 seconds
A -> S -> D

25% Accuracy for 60 secwonds
S -> A -> W

2.5x Incoming Traits Proc for 50 seconds
A -> D -> S

25% Trait Proc Rate for 50 seconds
A -> W -> Space

15% Mobility for 50 seconds
Space -> W -> Space -> A -> Space -> S

Messages In This Thread
RE: List the Ocarina songs and their effects when holding it - Ace - 01-15-2020, 03:45 AM

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