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New Suggestion - Groups

I dont like the idea of guilds or custom teams personally cuz it creates cliques to form and ingroup bias having some people prefer people in their own group over others. Makes it harder for people who find it difficult to form groups to party up in events. I experience it and have experienced it a lot before. Definitely hurts newer players or people with few connections in The community.

Secondly, don't use effort of coding as a con/drawback. I'm in no position to determine what's difficult or not in terms of coding but limiting your suggestions and ideas by that is pointless. Let the coder himself determine that and let your ideas flow. Any idea can be possible and difficult.

Messages In This Thread
New Suggestion - Groups - Feach₀₂ - 12-18-2019, 12:55 AM
RE: New Suggestion - Groups - Zschardeu Hasselfrou - 12-18-2019, 03:32 AM
RE: New Suggestion - Groups - Feach₀₂ - 12-18-2019, 09:05 AM

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