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Deathrayjj's Membership Appeal Part 2

Relin, heres a prime example of why we -1, "He's only 14"...... if he's only 14 that does not matter, hes not fit for member, if he's 14 and looking to be member he has to be mature, your reasoning for +1ing honestly is terrible. He's immature regardless, he does not deserve member and has not acted in the way someone who wants to be a role model within the server should.

Here is what he said https://gyazo.com/a0eab51af1c3afe3535ddd541a070653 If you believe he is still mature and worthy to be a member even though 99 percent of the community knows that he is not ready nor should he be member then so be it, but everyone else knows hes not fit, and no-one who acts like him should be a member. Your reasoning that he is 14 and maybe all of us acted like that is 1, no, not all of us acted like that, and even then, if we did, we wouldn't have gotten member then, we would have gotten member when we got more mature.

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RE: Deathrayjj's Membership Appeal Part 2 - Randall - 08-21-2019, 05:11 PM

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