05-04-2019, 07:46 PM
I'm going to piggyback on what Lee said, most of the people in that discord told Atma to give the item back while in TTT because that's what's right. Jerk is by no means an angel, I've known Jerk for years from NTG and now here as well; while overall I think he's a good guy and he's fun to play games with he does goes above and beyond in my opinion to get unfair trade deals whenever possible. This in itself isn't anything against the rules or wrong, it only makes Jerk just a shrewd trader and it earns you that reputation. With what happened last night and from what I seen in the lobby even though I caught the tail end of it I can't see how most of the people involved are responsible. What I'm seeing now is little more than people who weren't even present seeking their ounce of flesh because they just want to fan the flames an encourage more drama.
I normally don't like to talk about myself with people who aren't close friends but just this once I'm going to make an exception to that rule. My career in life is currently an LEO, it has been for the last 7 years and from what I can see from this thread you have people out seeking blood for what is little more than the bystander effect. Most of the people being vilified did nothing more than listen and watch what occurred. I'll admit I listened and watched what occurred and the only effort I personally made was tell Atma he should give Jerks item back and I talked to a member of the staff privately addressing my concerns and I told them that deep down Jerk is a good guy who just has unsavory trade methods. I'm hoping that Jerk gets his item back and learns from this experience, an experience that I'm sure he has left many others feeling after trades have gone down. I can only say this because during my tenure as a staff member on NTG we've seen numerous reports on Jerk and from what I can see not much has changed.
I'm not sure how the staff should handle this situation but I'm disappointed in a lot of the people here. I didn't see where and I quote "were you convincing Atma that what he did was perfectly acceptable and actually encouraged it, but you were turning a fairly new player against a member of the server purely because you had your own vendetta against him". I was there and I never seen this, I could have missed this because I was playing TTT for the most part and I didn't really have a care one way or another but if this occurred it wasn't discussed. It's unlikely that I'll contribute anymore to the circus this thread has become but if warranted I may reply again. At the end of the day I hope that Brassx can return Jerks item from Atmas inventory if at all possible and somehow come to an appropriate conclusion to this matter.
I normally don't like to talk about myself with people who aren't close friends but just this once I'm going to make an exception to that rule. My career in life is currently an LEO, it has been for the last 7 years and from what I can see from this thread you have people out seeking blood for what is little more than the bystander effect. Most of the people being vilified did nothing more than listen and watch what occurred. I'll admit I listened and watched what occurred and the only effort I personally made was tell Atma he should give Jerks item back and I talked to a member of the staff privately addressing my concerns and I told them that deep down Jerk is a good guy who just has unsavory trade methods. I'm hoping that Jerk gets his item back and learns from this experience, an experience that I'm sure he has left many others feeling after trades have gone down. I can only say this because during my tenure as a staff member on NTG we've seen numerous reports on Jerk and from what I can see not much has changed.
I'm not sure how the staff should handle this situation but I'm disappointed in a lot of the people here. I didn't see where and I quote "were you convincing Atma that what he did was perfectly acceptable and actually encouraged it, but you were turning a fairly new player against a member of the server purely because you had your own vendetta against him". I was there and I never seen this, I could have missed this because I was playing TTT for the most part and I didn't really have a care one way or another but if this occurred it wasn't discussed. It's unlikely that I'll contribute anymore to the circus this thread has become but if warranted I may reply again. At the end of the day I hope that Brassx can return Jerks item from Atmas inventory if at all possible and somehow come to an appropriate conclusion to this matter.