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Nerf/Buff - Last prayer and fools world[Implemented]

Omfg ur bias cuz u hav last pryer and u salty u don't have fools wrold git good

Anyways, what really is annoying with the fools world is the ability to block almost every damage type there is just crouch. Sure you can just say get up close and gun them down but the person can just stand up, gun you down, and maybe crouch back down to block any other damage coming. There can be times when a sniper tries to kill someone with the fools world out but they can't because he/she is crouching and blocking all the shots without any repercussions. The idea to have the shield have a set hp like the trident could balance it out.

The last prayer is suppose to be that one gun you use when you're in a pinch or to make sick montages of you rdming an innocent with the last  prayer ricochet shots, both are just my opinions. Both the first prayer and the last prayer are lacklustered in traits and the base gun is the only thing that makes people like them. Theoretically, the last prayer ricochet is a pretty sound idea, but you have to rely on rng just to even hit a target and you have to be in doors. First prayer is different since you have way more pellets. I'd suggest to have a chance to have an almost instant reload/increase in X% reload speed when you fully unload your clip to fit with the theme, sorta.

For stats, I feel they are fine. You can maybe tweak the firerate between the two revolvers and have a small increase in recoil for the fools world. Personally I don't think the last prayer should be better or as good as the fools world since they have different usages. I think the last prayer should have a little buff just to compete with other godlike secondaries out there.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Nerf/Buff - Last prayer and fools world - Glazz - 05-03-2019, 06:10 PM

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