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New Crate Suggestion: Carnal Crate

These are my initial thoughts on the post and what I would rework from them to suit what i find neato, so I apologize if this is basically just a total reimagining of the seven deadly sin ideas (not a big fan of traits just having +dmg which is pretty prevelant here)

Envy I really like I would love a fun ass Envy Rifle of the Phoenix or some shit like that xD.

Gluttony not the biggest fan of because you can run into a gunfight and pick 1 guy off with lets say a deagle, switch back to primary and warrior dash away and wouldnt be the most fun(In addition to not being the most fun and having to micromanage and be pretty tryhard I dont see many people using this).

Greed I like how items do not really affect drops, and I think it should stay that way since then you could just get a bit of money and just snowball to rich man wheras the fun part for me is grinding(also this trait doesnt have much to do with FRG mechanics, just drop mechanics generally I think it would be better to do the same thing but instead of increasing end round drops if alive just make orbs higher drop chance). Maybe like a 1/3 chance when you rune out of bullets in your clip to auto replenish clip so you can continue shooting.

Lust seems kinda cool, but I think there should be some kind of Innocent version and a simpler obsession mechanic such as Obsessions being Detectives or someone who has killed a T buddy
and maybe have a hidden obsession for inno/det so if you kill a t that killed a Detective they become a Obsession (I feel like there is too much going on with the obsession stuff so maybe just simplify it so that when killing them you get a damage boost on them and they can see when you are watching them [maybe have it alot more general though so if you are decently close and are looking in their general direction they get the notification]).

Pride is kinda boring in my opinion, I like traits that have a bit more feel so maybe it has like a kill spree stat bonus or after dealing x rightful damage you can become filled with pride getting more hp and speed but get a golden crown and king player model or something. Or alternatively there could be a speed increase and damage increase but you take damage overtime with trait having a variable on time and damage taken.

Sloth- Not a big fan of this because of just basically being a stat overhaul.

Wrath- I see you really like stat increases, Im not the biggest fan of a damage increase as the main stat atleast without a noticability such as increase speed and screen effects to make me feel powerful so maybe spawn a lightning strike near the person randomly that you are shooting (shitty deimos) Seems kinda op but sounds badass and maybe darkens the targets screen.

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RE: New Crate Suggestion: Carnal Crate - Feach₀₂ - 04-08-2019, 12:49 AM

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