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Show text instead of visuals for bags/endurance badge/challenge badge/etc

(09-12-2018, 03:27 PM)tobiasxz-usagi Wrote:  while we're at it can backpacks and such list whats in them in their description?

I made a prototype of that. It's not really that good in practice. It makes the description feel awkward, and some storage devices are even bigger than 15 slots. There's no way to scrollbar the description, and it looks really just.. Awkward. It just doesn't feel good, and feels like an overwhelming amount of text on full Backpacks.

For instance:

Though with some adjustments, it's not that bad. I suppose I could re-enable it as an option:

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RE: Show text instead of visuals for bags/endurance badge/challenge badge/etc - Brassx - 09-12-2018, 07:31 PM

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