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[NERF] Humans in infection rounds

New suggestion that was mostly my work though my thought train was inspired by unpoke

Give alpha zombies the ability to start with a class of their choice

-Charple (given a slot that lets them stay invisible with a speed boost, alike lunar plane)
This will be permanent and is useable at all times during the minigame

-Infector (given a bioball)
The bioball will be AOE and all that, but they only get 1. Once its used its gone forever, but itll allow them to get a group of infected started if every human managed to get into one gay little corner

-Specializer (given a rollermine cannon)
The cannon spawns only in the last 1/4th of the round, but every time the zombie respawns they get their cannon back (each cannon has 1 rollermine, helps deal with a small group of people in an OP spot)
When a dragon round begins.


Messages In This Thread
[NERF] Humans in infection rounds - Unpoke - 09-04-2018, 05:06 AM
RE: [NERF] Humans in infection rounds - Fancy Typhlosion - 09-04-2018, 05:34 AM

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