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Challenge-scroll change (Reposted)

(07-22-2018, 06:28 AM)Brassx Wrote:  
Quote:Yay/nay how you feel, but I think its shitty design to force players to do something not even part/barely a part of TTT when they come to enjoy TTT. Sure, scrolls are optional

Anyways, I can understand your frustration, but  TTT already has TTT only quests, challenges, achievements, dailies, etc. Challenge scrolls aren't just TTT-challenges. They try to incorporate more than TTT, because we ARE more than ttt.

I talked about adding something you buy that resets your entire challenge scroll, if you get stuck. But changing your current step is eh. Map challenges are meant to get you on TTT waiting for your map. It's a passive step until your map is chosen(which can definitely be annoying.. But people didn't even make this big of a fuss when I had it on NTG and it had NO system to make your challenge map much more common on the mapvote screen. We have that here.), that's the point. There's plenty of other things you can do while on TTT while waiting for it. Such as Dailies, which are mostly kill challenges. So you can just do them in the mean time while waiting. It's hard to make things challenging when people use tools yes, but considering you could barely do a sliding puzzle and couldn't figure out how to use the tool to solve it, I'd say it did its job.

I'm planning out changes on how maps are selected to be on the mapvote, right now its a RNG chance and only one persons map can be chosen to show up per map-vote (selected at random). As I've stated above: We're more than a TTT server, and if you don't like the "non-TTT" aspects you don't have to do them(but I will say, puzzles are something nice you can do while dead to keep you busy). Challenge scrolls are opt-in. You accept what they are and what it might put you through when you use it, otherwise just sell it and pass it along if you're not up for it. Someone else will do it.
I'm pretty sure Challenge Scrolls weren't as common as they were here, plus NTG had an extra server rotating the map cycle which made it a bit easier to find the map you wanted. You could say "Oh, this is a good challenge for you, you're not very smart and this is hard for you. It did its job", but what if I brought up a conundrum that you weren't able to solve? Everybody has strengths and weaknesses, and that's just how life goes. FRG is "More than a TTT server", which is fair, but what is the base gamemode? I mean, I joined FRG for TTT and stayed for TTT. That's what I play for. If FRG became DarkRP you can betcha I'd leave the day afterwards.

You seem to put these challenges on such a high horse, "These word puzzles and slide puzzles! So innovative, so much variety!", yet its literally three slightly differing ideas, one taken from its time on NTG anyways. I don't understand why some people just don't see what some things are just not fun; why is solving a six-sided slide puzzle supposed to be fun? You're telling me I'm supposed to take time out of what I'm doing, which could be playing or having fun, to do this? I know that "More than TTT" equals "Grind the exact same events over and over, not for fun but for drops" and "Open crates for 24 hours in a row on the lobby server", and as you should be able to tell, I don't care about that so I don't want any part of it. However, challenge scrolls are something that could be directly used in TTT.

I feel as if people are making a mountain out of a mole-hill. There should be absolutely nothing wrong with someone wanting to try a different challenge than another. I'd say I used to be one of the better players of NTG and FRG, to the point I've been accused of cheating, and I see my talents lying around there. I'm admittedly not very smart, but I was born with high-functioning autism and have been on medication and therapy for my entire life due to the slew of issues from it, so some things I literally cannot grasp; I can't figure things out no matter how hard I try. Sure, this "Suggestion" of mine may be purely selfish, but how is the decision not to implement it any more selfish?

Like, how does it hurt anybody that you could replace an annoying step with something you want to do? Don't you want people to stick around on FRG and enjoy themselves? FRG is already a minnow in a pond of sharks right now, and at the very least I'm not entirely alone in my disgruntles. There's a reason when I looked at daily quests and those things I never went "hm, yes, maybe people should solve this arbitrary, boring puzzle rather than engage in the aspect of TTT". That's why I found "Getting kills with a flare gun and a newton and then blowing someone up is cool!", not "scream at the community to get the map you want because that's a step".

Then again, hey; its your server. That was just my complaint, but it doesn't matter. The scrolls did their job, I'm not smart enough to solve them, so congratulations.

edit: p.s you don't need to read all my spew, the general gist is "I want options", so if that isn't an appealing choice, just leave it as it is I guess.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Challenge-scroll change (Reposted) - Terran - 07-22-2018, 06:21 PM

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