05-11-2018, 08:57 PM
Tbh it has gone a bit 2 far. Yesterday i saw him rig like 100000000000000000 ultra giveaways. How do i know they're rigged? Well obviously cuz i didn't win them. He also spawns in like every good weapon for himself and uses them to permaban any lvl 1 that joins the server. Today was the worst tho. Bcuz i was playing Asylum and he was in my group and he increased the zombie spawnrate to 96x so thhat we couldnt kill them and then he left which is basically rdm and leave but we cant ban him cuz he is manager. He also keeps pointing out that sweden has an immigration problem whch upsets me. ALSO NERF THE FUCKING AMMO DRAIN GUN JESUS CHRIST THIS ISN'T EVEN A SHITPOST AT THIS POINT LIKE IT TAKES 13 NINJATO SWINGS IN 16 SECONDS TO KILL THE FUCKING ORB ANY1 AGREE?