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QQuango/CantTouchThis' ban appeal


A ton of people bhop the exact way I do, It's not too hard once you learn and everyone develops their own style about it. I dont need to move my mouse a ton as I said, its mostly in my A and D. Unpoke concluded I was aimhacking actually, which is why I posted that video since it is his video. And Like I said, I had a long conversation with someone about that but as it was so long ago it is irretrievable to me, But I was banned via the overwatch system after 900 hours on the game, I've played 750+ more on another account too and been fine. I think this is pretty harsh over a video which shoes me bhopping, which is legit, plus if people were watching me, I still don't see why noone else would have more evidence against me. As far as I know tobias, You've been getting a lil annoyed with me recently and WANTING me banned so I'd like the opinions on others who weren't out to try and get me banned here.

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RE: QQuango/CantTouchThis' ban appeal - QQuangooooo - 11-03-2017, 01:20 PM

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