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Rule Re-wording / Changes

I think we should split the rules up into categories. TTT Rules, Inventory Rules, General Rules, etc. This may help readability, and it will hopefully show 'less walls of text' to someone at once.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rule Re-wording / Changes - Unpoke - 07-13-2017, 08:05 PM
RE: Rule Re-wording / Changes - tobiasxz - 07-13-2017, 08:37 PM
RE: Rule Re-wording / Changes - Tarrasque - 07-13-2017, 08:05 PM
RE: Rule Re-wording / Changes - Brassx - 07-13-2017, 08:26 PM
RE: Rule Re-wording / Changes - Unpoke - 07-13-2017, 09:08 PM

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