07-12-2017, 07:00 PM
Okay what if once every 3 - 5 months the crates came out for around 3 days on the market (to give everyone a fair chance of getting them) They have all the same drops as say a item crate or any of the other existing crates, minus their godlikes, and they have the old godlikes appear at their own intervals and only 3-5 of the old godlike can drop. So say august of this year the crate has the last prayer in it, november 2017 it has a bloddfurry in it. theres around maybe 5 godlikes in the crate each month and they can be taken off the market once that many have dropped if they dropped earlier than the 3 days. Make the crates untradable so that people cant stock up and sell them. Price them maybe around 600 - 800 even 1000 if you feeling spicy. Make them feel special. Or even add them as a rare end round drop or a rare drop from player drops for the 3 days they are out. That would make them even harder than someone with 1000000000 coins just coming and buying a fuck ton of them.