-1 Whenever i see you on you are very toxic, i honestly prefer to avoid the server i see you on, if i see progress of you being less toxic and aggressive then i will change this. For example i came on the server and someone said you rdm'd them, so i waited to check the logs and told you i would. Then you called me a fucking retard and kept saying throughout the game wind have you checked the logs yet. Then end of the round i checked the logs said you didn't rdm him and apologized to you and you said yeah so don't be so stupid asshole.
*edit* In response to your me being toxic, all i said to you was im going to check the logs because i think you rdm'd him. Thats not being toxic at all. the rest of the time i was in the server i was mostly quiet except for my random noises i make time to time, like screaming when i get shot, other than that i said nothing seriously other than that.
*edit* In response to your me being toxic, all i said to you was im going to check the logs because i think you rdm'd him. Thats not being toxic at all. the rest of the time i was in the server i was mostly quiet except for my random noises i make time to time, like screaming when i get shot, other than that i said nothing seriously other than that.