06-15-2017, 06:31 AM
1. Do you prefer small or big maps? Why? Meduimishly Large. Cant stand small ( airbus-esk/nuclearbunker) just to bloody crowded and people cant move. its a shit fest. bigger gives more hiding spots. more movement. sniper land etc.
2. Do you prefer basic maps or complex? Explain. I dont mind either. but if its too basic, what is it...like...fuck i forget.too basic is boring. just leave it at that. and too complex is also bad. i dont mind peach but all. the. fucking. teleports. jfc. just let me walk.
3. How many secrets do you like to see on a map? What kind? Why? secret knives are fine as long as there isnt some shitty music with them. room are also cool (like cake on the one minecraft) i dont mind the ship on trappy... but meta game my dude.
4. What's something that you'd like to see in a new map? Ammo. non-shitty spawns.
5. What is your favourite colour? Colour combination? Is Lightning a color? otherwise Blood red. Red/Black. i want to instill fear.
6. List any additional details about maps that you enjoy/don't enjoy.
the poorly laid out corners on peach that get you stuck in the wall. those need to not exist.
miniboats ( and helicopter) like on roy. or the other ship are cool.
7. Additional Comments: L I G H T N I N G
2. Do you prefer basic maps or complex? Explain. I dont mind either. but if its too basic, what is it...like...fuck i forget.too basic is boring. just leave it at that. and too complex is also bad. i dont mind peach but all. the. fucking. teleports. jfc. just let me walk.
3. How many secrets do you like to see on a map? What kind? Why? secret knives are fine as long as there isnt some shitty music with them. room are also cool (like cake on the one minecraft) i dont mind the ship on trappy... but meta game my dude.
4. What's something that you'd like to see in a new map? Ammo. non-shitty spawns.
5. What is your favourite colour? Colour combination? Is Lightning a color? otherwise Blood red. Red/Black. i want to instill fear.
6. List any additional details about maps that you enjoy/don't enjoy.
the poorly laid out corners on peach that get you stuck in the wall. those need to not exist.
miniboats ( and helicopter) like on roy. or the other ship are cool.
7. Additional Comments: L I G H T N I N G