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Post your jihad sound suggestions!

(05-25-2017, 08:42 PM)TJ1524 Wrote:  
(05-25-2017, 08:16 PM)Brassx Wrote:  Thanks for putting them in MP3 format, makes my life much easier.

If someone would like to help, I could use some help going through previous suggestions that have not been added and make .MP3's for them, I will add them all with the next patch if we can do this. Smile.

Any in particular? If not, I'll just go through a newest to oldest and keep editing this post.

Halaman :38 - :42 Moana You're Welcome.
Heisenburger 2:11 - 2:14 AWOLNATION Run
Wind :00 - :03 Overwatch It's high noon
Dropbox doesn't like the hallelujah one.
Bezerker :00 - :03 Overwatch Genji
Bezerker :02 - :05 300 Chant
Bezerker :00 - :04 Hitler Nein
Bezerker :00 - :03 You greedy dirtbag
FoxSasha :01 - :04 Tactical Nuke
Not doing FoxSasha's first one because it was already done in this list.
Eclipse :00 - :03 WTF boom
Jake1o :26 - :30 Get ready to rumble
Jake1o :04 - :08 Shall not pass
Jake1o :12 - :16 Mailtime
Jake1o :00 - :04 Why you have to be mad
Jake1o :00 - :03 Meeseeks
Jake1o :00 - :04 Kamehameha
Jake1o :11 - :14 Scarface Hello to my friend
FoxSasha :30 - :33 Heyeyeyeyey
PewPew :10 - :14 Spongebob
Krennic :00 - :03 I am the senate
PapaRussia :03 - :06 Rape whistle
PapaRussia :18 - :21 Trump Dance
PapaRussia 2:19 - 2:22 Vote for wall
PapaRussia 3:22 - 3:25 Nintendo Switch
PapaRussia 1:33 - 1:36 Gordon Get out
PapaRussia :37 - :40 We are number one
CoachGrump 1:19 - 1:21 What is dead may never die
CoachGrump 1:11 - 1:13 Metal Gear Solid V
Deadheala :00 - :03 Are you ready now

I don't think I want to do anymore.
If anyone is curious how I made these, I went to https://www.youtubeinmp4.com/ to download the video, and then used Windows Movie Maker to edit it in seconds, and then used https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/convert-mp4-to-mp3 to convert the MP4 that you saved in WMM to an MP3 and then uploaded it to Dropbox.

These are my suggestions:
Egg hunt (Voiced by Beebee1303)
Can I be a moderator? (Voiced by Beebee1303)
There's an unided! (Voiced by Beebee1303)
I win (Voiced by Beebee1303)

You know you can just use clipconverter.cc where it puts it into a mp3 and automatically crops it

Messages In This Thread
RE: Post your jihad sound suggestions! - tobiasxz - 05-26-2017, 02:12 PM

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