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Remove or Remake the Plasma net

Wow I didn't even know you could destroy the damn thing, since it's always close range. That's where you have to worry about. They usually barrel stuff it then destroy you. I understand it's frustrating, but it takes little skill to turn around and shoot. Maybe it could have a different skin. Disguising it as a shotgun is cute, but making it clear that this gun will freeze you would give great strategy to both sides. This would help the T's strategize and force the D's to plan on concealing it, instead of hold it out and waiting to be shot at.

Messages In This Thread
Remove or Remake the Plasma net - Zott - 04-15-2017, 11:00 PM
RE: Remove or Remake the Plasma net - Beebee1303 - 04-19-2017, 03:53 PM
RE: Remove or Remake the Plasma net - wind - 04-20-2017, 09:58 PM
RE: Remove or Remake the Plasma net - wind - 04-20-2017, 11:55 PM

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