(02-24-2017, 11:28 PM)anangrybeaver Wrote: I'm gonna look into it again.
But the last time I checked the crosshair isn't a universal thing in the code that I can replace. It's defined for each weapon separately for the most part I think. I may find something different this time around though. n o p r o m i s e s
Nope, here's the base code in weapon_tttbase(SWEPs can override it using the DrawHUD() function, so guns that draw a custom crosshair would be fine)
PHP Code:
local sights_opacity = CreateConVar("ttt_ironsights_crosshair_opacity", "0.8", FCVAR_ARCHIVE)
local crosshair_brightness = CreateConVar("ttt_crosshair_brightness", "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE)
local crosshair_size = CreateConVar("ttt_crosshair_size", "1.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE)
local disable_crosshair = CreateConVar("ttt_disable_crosshair", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE)
function SWEP:DrawHUD()
if self.HUDHelp then
local client = LocalPlayer()
if disable_crosshair:GetBool() or (not IsValid(client)) then return end
local sights = (not self.NoSights) and self:GetIronsights()
local x = math.floor(ScrW() / 2.0)
local y = math.floor(ScrH() / 2.0)
local scale = math.max(0.2, 10 * self:GetPrimaryCone())
local LastShootTime = self:LastShootTime()
scale = scale * (2 - math.Clamp( (CurTime() - LastShootTime) * 5, 0.0, 1.0 ))
local alpha = sights and sights_opacity:GetFloat() or 1
local bright = crosshair_brightness:GetFloat() or 1
-- somehow it seems this can be called before my player metatable
-- additions have loaded
if client.IsTraitor and client:IsTraitor() then
surface.SetDrawColor(255 * bright,
50 * bright,
50 * bright,
255 * alpha)
255 * bright,
255 * alpha)
local gap = math.floor(20 * scale * (sights and 0.8 or 1))
local length = math.floor(gap + (25 * crosshair_size:GetFloat()) * scale)
surface.DrawLine( x - length, y, x - gap, y )
surface.DrawLine( x + length, y, x + gap, y )
surface.DrawLine( x, y - length, x, y - gap )
surface.DrawLine( x, y + length, x, y + gap )
Funny enough, I was actually gonna ask Brass if I could make my own crosshair customizer, but haven't bothered yet.