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News Flash: Minecraft is a Woman-Murdering, Sexist game that Should Be Banned

About damn time

I was sick and tired of seeing so many pre-pubescent boys slaughter harmless women in this satanic game

How were we all so blind to see the true intentions of this game? To kill as many women as possible, and to raise children into women-hating, women-slaughtering beasts that will deny women their rights, and possibly even wipe out the whole female gender, and then what? All the males will have to turn gay, and no more reproduction will occur, and so in the end, all the men will die too.

Therefore, Minecraft, or should I say, Slaughterwomen, is a game straight from the mind of that sexist cis-scum Satan chilling in his personal Hell, laughing as his master plan unfolds.

Please, end this now, before it is too late

#LikeAGirl #EndMinecraft #FuckSexistMen #Feminazi #NeinNeinBurnMen
Fuck the max 2 image limit. (Imagine happy asian guy here)

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RE: News Flash: Minecraft is a Woman-Murdering, Sexist game that Should Be Banned - Orzeł - 02-06-2015, 10:25 PM

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