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Poll: Should Fist of the Djiin and Demonic Bow power shot be T-Bait/
Its should be T-Bait/Karma Bait
It Shouldn't be T-Bait/Karma Bait
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Demonic Bow & Fist of the Djiin Projectiles

(07-17-2016, 01:33 AM)⌠ƒ€ѦГ⌡tobiasxz - back sept 1st. Wrote:  
(07-17-2016, 01:30 AM)Terran Wrote:  If you shoot the AoE for no reason, it is the same as throwing an incen grenade. You have no reason to do it. Don't block hallways, entrances, exits, etc, or else if someone is damage from it, it is Attempt RDM and you'll be slain. The main function of the bow is to be a Traitor weapon.

If its a fucking t weapon, why isnt it in the fucking t shop?

The AoE is pointless then, its just gonna allow people to KOS off of weapon even more, plus it has no use in game play other than to block people that are following you.

If my AoE has been down for 10 seconds, and some jackass decides to walk into it on purpose, thats their fault, not attemoted RDM.

The AOE on the demonic bow should be used to slow people down as a traitor, shoot behind you if you give someone 3 follow warnings, shoot at a building with a t, and block an area that you claimed. It shouldnt be randomly shot for no reason. Of course if you shoot the aoe in the fucking sky it's fine, but dont complain if someone flies into it. Yes they're trolling but you could have evaded a problem like that by simply not shooting it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Demonic Bow & Fist of the Djiin Projectiles - Zott - 07-17-2016, 01:42 AM

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