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Poll: Should Fist of the Djiin and Demonic Bow power shot be T-Bait/
Its should be T-Bait/Karma Bait
It Shouldn't be T-Bait/Karma Bait
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Demonic Bow & Fist of the Djiin Projectiles

If you shoot the AoE for no reason, it is the same as throwing an incen grenade. You have no reason to do it. Don't block hallways, entrances, exits, etc, or else if someone is damage from it, it is Attempt RDM and you'll be slain. The main function of the bow is to be a Traitor weapon.

Shit's basically door blocking, super annoying.

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RE: Demonic Bow & Fist of the Djiin Projectiles - Terran - 07-17-2016, 01:30 AM

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