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G01dmaster Member app thingy...

Age: 14 Big Grin cause... im cool... i guess... (thats not true...)

Steam Name(Current): G01dmaster (but people call me Gold... or Godmaster or ya...) (DONT CALL ME GODMASTER)

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 67 hours i dont really look hard... numbers = math math = school school = gaming go bye bye

Where did you hear about this server?: First: Fluffy, then later snow brought me back

Have you ever been banned and why?: 1 on ntg (wrong steam ip thingy) multiple times on wogs (someone messing with me) and another on a 2 servers i dont remember because i was a bad player

Why do you want to join?: Well i first made NTG my main server, damn man i hate the community, then i went WoGs, its guns are to op, then i went FRG and it was fun and even, nobody is really op... unless you have a railgun... then oooooh damn... your gonna die

Referred by: Kcat... oh ya HI KCAT Big Grin dont rdm me when i save you again please Big Grin

Additional Details:Uh.... IDK... I like cookies... I want to collect all the godlike accessorys... and umm... KCAT IS A HORRIBLE T BUDDY (story time Big Grin) so one day on a map I forgot name of, i saw kcat sniping, i was her t buddy, then i saw someone and sayed WATCH YOURSELF cause they would prob shoot her, she Ignored me, they rush her and i shoot him in the head when kcat is near death, my first kill, and then kcat ONE DEAG ME IN THE HEAD... KCAT... WHY ;-; I SAVED YOU
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G01dmaster: NO!
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G01dmaster Member app thingy... - G01dmaster - 04-24-2016, 09:44 PM

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