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[QoL] Multiple ideas

(02-14-2016, 10:55 PM)Eryehka Wrote:  Mini cosmic saidhe uses a shotgun of the pheonix to light multiple people on fire at the same time. (meaning more than one pellet would have had to suffix)

I was shot earlier and had 2 agony stacks apply at once. (i dodged most pellets)

This is the only gun that has special treatment via suffixes.


What im asking for is denial of multiple suffixes from the same shot. (One suffix stack per victim per shot)
Like I said.. it's not that easy to do that. There is currently no way to tell what shot each 'bullet' came from, or if a previous bullet from the same shot proc'd(because I wouldn't be able to tell if they proc'd from the same shot, or previously from a different shot. For the suffixes that stack).
All that gets passed to the hook(EntityTakeDamage) the Suffixes use is a damageinfo structure, which contains the Attacker, Victim, Damage amount(and damage tpye), and the "Inflictor"(contains more, non-useful stuff though). All of those things get set automatically, internally when a player is shot by the bullet.

I'm just telling you how the system works, All chances are multiplied by the number of shots to help combat multiple proc's per shot, but it can still definitely happen.

Each bullet is treated separately by GMOD internally, but ALL of the bullets are fired from a single bullet structure, you just set NumShots to determine how many bullets should come out of the shot. I can not tell if they were from the same shot. There's no timestamp attached to them, or anything to indicate what shot they came from, or when.

I CAN do it, but it would be rather 'hacky', and I'd prefer to try and find other solutions before doing it.

Also, The trait that allows you to fire more than one shot at a time can have the same effect.

Messages In This Thread
[QoL] Multiple ideas - Eryehka - 02-14-2016, 10:17 PM
RE: [QoL] Multiple ideas - Minehuis - 02-14-2016, 10:31 PM
RE: [QoL] Multiple ideas - Eryehka - 02-14-2016, 10:36 PM
RE: [QoL] Multiple ideas - Brassx - 02-14-2016, 10:48 PM
RE: [QoL] Multiple ideas - Eryehka - 02-14-2016, 10:55 PM
RE: [QoL] Multiple ideas - Brassx - 02-14-2016, 11:09 PM
RE: [QoL] Multiple ideas - Tango(SCRUB) - 02-15-2016, 02:39 AM

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