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Banned By Server Error (FIXED)

Here's all I know from what happened.

I went on the server after playing Voslom, because y0nemo was telling me that things were "hitting the fan". I found two players changing their names to other players (QueenBee was changing his image and name to copy Fresh, several times.) I kicked him once I think to ask him to stop it (Not 100% sure if I kicked him, my memory sucks), but it seemed good there. However, he was screaming into the mic non-stop, and I had several other people tell me that he was shrieking. I told him that you should be over 14 to use the mic, upon which he began to angrily reply in all caps. He then left and rejoined to "undo" the gag, so I gagged him again and told him to stop. He left again and came back, so I banned him for one day.

Then he rejoined saying things like "I'm a friend of the owner's", "You can't ban me" and etc. I contacted McNuggie, and several other players did too. Those players told Nuggie to perma him (I never did), so he did, and we discussed what happened and settled on two weeks ban from our experiences/the other players.

Possibly a week ago I remember QueenBee causing server issues (I didn't know this player was QueenBee, since his name was Fresh'), but all in all it was causing problems.

Messages In This Thread
Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - QueenBee - 12-06-2015, 11:15 PM
RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - Terran - 12-06-2015, 11:19 PM
RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - Axe - 12-06-2015, 11:27 PM
RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - Mary - 12-06-2015, 11:34 PM
RE: Banned By Server Error (FIXED) - Mary - 12-07-2015, 12:52 AM

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