10-31-2015, 06:37 AM
I honestly feel that this word "scam" is all wrong. He made an offer on a gun. The guy willfully accepted. Then AFTER the trade found out how much he could of made off of it. Thus got upset and went straight for discipline. This isn't a scam that was instituted, this is the same mentality as a pawn shop. They undercut the "going" price so they too can make a profit. It is how one makes money via trading. I have seen plenty of our staff members do similar things. I'm not going to name a name but one of our uppers "scammed" me when I was still new to the server. After I found out how much coins I lost it hurt yes but I was adult about things and realized business is business. He should of talked to harmful first to see about a refund (which I wouldnt of given but have seen harmful do) and I feel it is unfair for everyone to gang up on harmful this way. He is not scamming or sharking; He is trying to make his way to the top. Just like all of us. We all have the gold on our hands with this one. And no one is innocent of trying to make a profit. Should the seller be more aware of things? Yes. Should Harmful make sure the seller knows the information, probably. Should the ban be lifted? absolutley. I'm not trying to say anyone is a bad staff or what not. Just we have to look at things without bias or full knowledge.
tl;dr Yes ban should be lifted because he is guilty of no "crimes" any of our staff has also done. On me in specific.
tl;dr Yes ban should be lifted because he is guilty of no "crimes" any of our staff has also done. On me in specific.