10-31-2015, 04:01 AM
Shit went down in my departure. All I have to say is: No i'm not acting as the victim, I am just stating that at the time there was no item price for it, eventhough I asked around, the answer was always (Its too new no price has been set for it yet), and people do know how I am emperor, thus you all know eventhough I do shark, I never scamm for profit (too easy rather work for it + unchill + dishonest). But thx all of you for showing your agreements and disagreements to my what I thought/think was a unecessary ban. PS: No staff ever warned me for any trading activitys I have done, so anyway you look at it, why should I get an instant trade ban.
Sincerly: ::Harmfull::
Sincerly: ::Harmfull::