(08-19-2015, 03:50 AM)Footballslaya Wrote: I recommend this completely because I am on frequently in my spare time(this includes 4AM generally) and there is always someone or an entire group of people that don't understand the concept of "push to talk" and I find member+ may be the only staff on and if they can slay, they can be trusted with Vbat
This is my argument as well.
I've been told that +members aren't staff, but it seems to me that dealing with damage logs, reports, and slaying people based on particular offenses is way more of an "administrative," staff type of duty than having the ability to start a vbat.
Additionally, I feel like there is way more room in the report/slay functions for abuse than there would be in a vbat command.
Ultimately, the decision is up to Brass, but this is definitely something I feel would benefit FRG.