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map vote sugestion

Well, that's a shame. To be honest, I just keep encountering this loop:

(Starting map when I join)
If available, they pick: gm_construct, dolls, crummy cradle, minecraft_b4, clue.
If not available, usually: 67thway (surprisingly not ALL that popular), island 17, ttt_port.
If THOSE aren't available its generally: sandraiders, hendrix, erebus, lost temple.

Otherwise I don't really see any other maps than those. Warehouse is never picked, Amityville is never picked. That horror house map where Thanatos was is never picked. There's a lot of maps, and those are really the only ones ever chosen.

Heck, even Jake has tried multiple times to sway votes by saying he'll do an orbital round if we pick the map he's interested in (he always does an orbital round, of course), but people STILL go for one of these maps no matter what. I have to screech and wail just to get something different, and am pretty fed up with it.

How about an over-played mechanic? If a map is picked once, then it has a less chance of appearing for the next, eh, 10 map choices?

Messages In This Thread
map vote sugestion - Derp-A-Doodle-Doo - 06-14-2015, 05:29 PM
RE: map vote sugestion - Terran - 06-14-2015, 05:48 PM
RE: map vote sugestion - Derp-A-Doodle-Doo - 06-14-2015, 05:50 PM
RE: map vote sugestion - Dreadark - 06-14-2015, 05:58 PM
RE: map vote sugestion - Terran - 06-14-2015, 06:17 PM
RE: map vote sugestion - Derp-A-Doodle-Doo - 06-14-2015, 06:33 PM
RE: map vote sugestion - Derp-A-Doodle-Doo - 06-14-2015, 06:47 PM
RE: map vote sugestion - Dreadark - 06-14-2015, 06:25 PM
RE: map vote sugestion - Brassx - 06-15-2015, 05:46 AM
RE: map vote sugestion - Terran - 06-15-2015, 05:51 AM
RE: map vote sugestion - Brassx - 06-15-2015, 06:12 AM
RE: map vote sugestion - Terran - 06-15-2015, 06:57 AM
RE: map vote sugestion - Unpoke - 06-15-2015, 07:41 AM

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