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Poll: Rarer (But with better rewards) Challenge Scrolls?
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Rarer but more rewarding Challenge Scrolls

This is just an experimental thread to gauge any reactions. Right now one of the problems I personally have is I have so many challenge scrolls that the only guns I should ever use are Gilded. I assume this isn't a problem for a lot of people, but recently a good friend game me a strong gilded gun (Zoth) and suddenly I realized I'm...Like, actually having less fun almost. I don't see the reason to use any other gun. I have a really strong lucky-gilded and its all I use. Then I look at my backpack and realize I have like, 70 easy scrolls to get through and it boggles my mind.

I have an idea to smooth the process over, and I'll mention it to Brass is people like this. Before you panic post or whatever, just consider that:

1) Your rewards would be greater
2) Scrolls would be more valuable/less common
are the only proposed changes. This could happen gradually, too, not suddenly, so as not to shift the market.
Because do you really have fun using the same gun, or maybe two if you're blessedly rich and can just sit on the same strong gun over and over?

This post is probably just me having an individual problem, but I felt like making it anyways. Challenge scrolls are so boring with Gilded and so EASY. Its almost unrewarding. I just spam one out and then swap to another over and over and over.

no disagreements, terran said what was needed to say. +1
chainy, chany, cheeny, cheesey, cheese, chebby, cheddy, kenny, chad, jeremy bentknee, bently, chendy bedendy, cheny deddy

+1, This is needed to be made prevalent. I agree with Terran on this. I guess the minuscule chance of having gilded somewhat balances this out, but gilded does make scrolls seem boring in the aspect of using some op gild or double gild weapon to clear out kill challenges easily without putting relatively much effort into it.

P.S I voted in my own poll, because my opinion is yes. Just so y'all know.

I agree with Terran. made a lot of good points +1

Assuming this could only be implemented without getting rid of old scrolls -

Make it so you can craft multiple old scrolls into the new ones
-9 easys into 1 tier 2 easy
-5 mediums into tier 2 medium
-3 hards into tier 2 hard

Just to make the change possible now and take care of the hoarded scrolls, the higher up scrolls shouldnt be able to be crafted, and tier 1 (normal) scrolls, if they ascend, should have a low chance to give the better ones.

(06-08-2020, 07:19 PM)ZombieNinja975 Wrote:  Assuming this could only be implemented without getting rid of old scrolls -

Make it so you can craft multiple old scrolls into the new ones
-9 easys into 1 tier 2 easy
-5 mediums into tier 2 medium
-3 hards into tier 2 hard

Just to make the change possible now and take care of the hoarded scrolls, the higher up scrolls shouldnt be able to be crafted, and tier 1 (normal) scrolls, if they ascend, should have a low chance to give the better ones.
That's a good idea. What about if any "Normal" scrolls left over became untradeable if this potential change went live?

One good change would be to limit daily scroll rewards to only one, because resetting dailies stockpiles so many. You pay off the reset with the daily rewards anyways. Rep scrolls aren't bad, since they're a coin sink, but heavily underused.

Yeah scrolls have become way oversaturated. Drops from almost everything not to mention resetting dailies for a bunch. They aren't rare anymore, everyone always as one active, which leads to everyone always sweating with their op gilded weapons and stuff 24/7. I don't play much but when I do, its just not fun to get sweat on by literally everyone on the server. Post round scrolls dont even exist anymore, and thats where they were originally only supposed to come from. They need to be a lot rarer and also have a way to clean out the stacks of scrolls that everyone has currently.

ye +1

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