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Event difficulties

So I was thinking, as it says in the title, why not have different difficulties on the event?
Some people don't have the proper equipment or something to do the event. Maybe they still aren't completely used to it.
Or maybe some people are too good at the event and want more of a challenge.
So like there'd be Easy mode, Normal mode and Hard mode. The drops you'd get from the event would vary depending on the difficulty you chose.
(Idk if someone already suggested this, too lazy to look through the 30 something pages of suggestions)

Really, all it would do is make them less/more bullet sponges, or spawn more enemies/less. I don't find that very appealing. It just either means fights are quicker with worse "loot", or longer with "better".

not worth it honestly if you have a decent-good team event isnt hard.
getting equipment isnt hard either, a somewhat good deagle, bellum/apoc m16, and reload crystal arent hard to get

the only hard part of the event is the final boss.

the rest is extremely easy with a few decent players.

I can't do something other people have worked towards so you need to lower the bar so I can do it too!

Huh, not exactly what I was thinking. I posted this not in spite of like, " OH no's, I'm bad and can't do it!" Just as maybe they don't have the equipment or maybe they just want to do a quick run through because they don't have the time. Also, people might want to have some fun and have more of a challenge. This wasn't a post to say "OH the event is too hard!!"
I mean, I've beat it before. I could care less, I just think it'd be a cool idea.

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