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The Doc's membership application

I am 22 years old.

My Steam name is currently doctorRat.

I just recently made it too 50 Hours 40 Minutes 12 Seconds

knaveHearted actually referred me to this server.

Too date I have not been banned a single time. I have been kicked a few times for being afk.

I want to join this server because we may have some children that play but damn if we don't have a great community. FRG has many many very well off to play with people on it. Most of us are pretty mature when it comes to things. I feel by joining and I can hopefully become one of the members that people almost look forward to getting on. I want to make this community proud to call me a member. Mostly i just like the hell out of playing with everyone on here; so why not try to make it official?

I was told to make a membership app by Excel.

The only extra note i want to make is that we need orchestra pieces for end round. that is all.

To be honest, while it doesn't seem like he's on much he's still a dedicated player and has a good head on his shoulders. A lot of fun when he's around, so I definitely support this. +1. Also uses rifles, which makes him pro.

+1 good player never see him rdm or cause trouble

He's a pretty chill player and follows the rules +1

I haven't played much with you surprisingly, I'd have to play with you more. I guess we just don't play in the same times, but I'll keep an eye out for you and give ya a rating when I see you more

I'd like to see you more but with GTA V and missing textures that's probably a little but of my fault too. Overall great to play with and would be a good representative of the community. +1
Genesis Does What NintenDon't

I'm sarcastic a lot, take what I say with a grain of salt.

+1 hes fun to play with never seen him cause trouble


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