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@white - Membership Application

Age: 21

Steam Name(Current): @white

Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/whittest/

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 182 Hours

Where did you hear about this server?: Tcupp And DonP

Have you ever been banned and why?: Never been banned and never will do anything to be banned

Why do you want to join?: I play the server a lot and is the only gmod server I play So I think I deserve to be a member

Referred by: Revs

Additional Details: This server is what got me into Gmod!

Decent dude, but maybe get some more play time in the server for others to get to know you more +0

i -1 cause they have better rng than i do
i +2 cause cool

Not like member is some insane power but I agree with Manzy, more time and I'll +1

I'm not sure if I've really seen you on at all. I tend to mostly pay attention to TTT, and since member roles will eventually be made more strict in the future, I feel like a bit more community engagement is good. But, on the OTHER HAND, you were doing Santa with us yesterday and you joined the dead frog pile...so, in the end, yeah, I'm +1'ing (I assume you're "whittest" on the discord)

+1 Seen them quite a bit in lobby grinding usually Erebus and have not had any problems with them plus they seem like a decent fit for frg.


+1 active, helps new players, doesnt complain like others

+0 Ive had some previous experiences with White and I have no problems at all! Would love to get to know him better in terms of relations but no qualms here.

182 hours seems a little low for mem? Maybe I'm talking nonsense but member isn't as serious as going from +mem to mod or admin. Also is cool and have never had any issues with them +1

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