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Joshua746's Membership application

Age: 20

Steam Name(Current): Joshua746

Time played on servers?(!time username to check): 100+

Where did you hear about this server?: Randomly looking at server browser

Have you ever been banned and why?: No

Why do you want to join?: been enjoying my time here!

Referred by: Gluten free toast

Additional Details: Just want to be more involved in any way i can!

Joshua is pretty cool. They're good in my books (even if the youngsters do abrase me so). I see no reasons (personally) why they couldn't be member (barring the future reform I guess). I hope they recover well despite recent misfortunes. +1

Cool guy never had a problem +1

Never had any problems and seems like a good community member +1

+1 lol i def didn't refer Joshua to the server, but he's a cool player and should definitely be a member! Cool dude!

+1 you're cool, and i see you wanting to put together ways to help new players stick around which is amazing!

I don't see any problems with the guy, he's cool and fun. +1

This guy rocks. +1

Fun fella to be around, love their energy, never had any issues on my part and I love how you ask me if I would like to do erebus it just makes me happy for some reason
Great guy, love your spirit +1

+1 active

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