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HisLoverHammer Ban Appeal

I understand that my actions were wrong and i vow to never repeat the same mistakes I did two years ago.
I Love this server a lot so much so i would do just about anything just to have a second chance. I see everyone having a great time on FRG and its makes me feel deep remorse for my actions and the consequences of said actions.
I'm truly sorry to whoever I victimized in that incident and if I can talk to you i would like to apologize formally.
I understand that overly toxicity shouldn't be tolerated its the worst of the internet and i paid the price for being too toxic i called the user various slurs and terrible things and I'm sorry truly.
This incident was little less then two years ago and I promise I've changed my ways and i promise to never repeat the same mistake ever again.
Cant stress this enough. I really do miss FRG
Again if the player that i victumized still plays or if anyone can get a hold of them i want to apologize to them.

Steam Name (Current):SirMaldsAlot

Steam Name (During incident):AnnoyingOrangePorn

Steam ID:76561197971079267

Steam Profile Link:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971079267/

Name of staff you were banned by:Brassx

Length of the ban: Permanent

Would you like your ban shortened or repealed?:Repealed

Reason for ban: Toxicity/targeted RDM/Harassment

Did you commit the actions stated in the ban reason?:
What really happened?:Well i feel its pretty self explanatory but if I must
I was targeting and rdming a person and cyberbullying this person. I regret my actions

for reference, this was the incident that got him banned, literally 1 day after new toxicity rules were implemented and to a new player



Lmao no wonder the server has no players, if you guys banning people forever for this then you need to fix your staff team ASAP, its an insult to the DEV team working on these servers to let any loser admins do this to thier work. seriously consider perming the admin who even thought about banning this guy. Id say a 1 day ban would be exessive

in my opinion:
No clue as to why iv been banned, never even remember joining your servers, however there is a new gamemode on gmod that is owned by you and id like to check it out. I really could not tell you what I did but i doubt it worth a perm since I dont hack/exploit/break any UK/USA laws on any gmod servers and I doubt I engaged in anything considered hate speech. My best guess would be trolling since booze and a bit of trolling is funny af but I dont think its worth a perm eitherway.

(11-19-2023, 08:34 PM)The Piss Lord Wrote:  Lmao no wonder the server has no players, if you guys banning people forever for this then you need to fix your staff team ASAP, its an insult to the DEV team working on these servers to let any loser admins do this to thier work. seriously consider perming the admin who even thought about banning this guy. Id say a 1 day ban would be exessive

youre so right dude holy shit

im so sorry brassx omg i will never ban anyone ever again

with your past behavior you were bound to step over the line eventually. appeal again at a much later date.


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